- Load the R packages we will use.
- Quiz questions
- Replace all the instances of ‘SEE QUIZ’. These are inputs from your moodle quiz.
- Replace all the instances of ‘???’. These are answers on your moodle quiz.
- Run all the individual code chunks to make sure the answers in this file correspond with your quiz answers
- After you check all your code chunks run then you can knit it. It won’t knit until the ??? are replaced
- The quiz assumes that you have watched the videos, downloaded (to your examples folder) and worked through the exercises in exercises_slides-73-108.Rmd. Knitted file is here.
Question: e_charts-1
Create a bar chart that shows the average hours Americans spend on five activities by year. Use the timeline argument to create an animation that will animate through the years.
- spend_time contains 10 years of data on how many hours Americans spend each day on 5 activities
- read it into spend_time
spend_time <- read_csv("https://estanny.com/static/week8/spend_time.csv")
Start with spend_time
- THEN group_by year
- THEN create an e_chart that assigns activity to the x-axis and will show activity by year (the variable that you grouped the data on)
- THEN use e_timeline_opts to set autoPlay to TRUE
- THEN use e_bar to represent the variable avg_hours with a bar chart
- THEN use e_title to set the main title to ‘Average hours Americans spend per day on each activity’
- THEN remove the legend with e_legend
Question: e_charts-2
Create a line chart for the activities that American spend time on.
Start with spend_time
- THEN use mutate to convert year from an number to a string (year-month-day) using mutate
- first convert year to a string “201X-12-31” using the function paste
- paste will paste each year to 12 and 31 (separated by -) THEN
- THEN use mutate to convert year from a character object to a date object using the ymd function from the lubridate package (part of the tidyverse, but not automatically loaded). ymd converts dates stored as characters to date objects.
- THEN group_by the variable activity (to get a line for each activity)
- THEN initiate an e_charts object with year on the x-axis
- THEN use e_line to add a line to the variable avg_hours
- THEN add a tooltip with e_tooltip
- THEN use e_title to set the main title to ‘Average hours Americans spend per day on each activity’
- THEN use e_legend(top = 40) to move the legend down (from the top)
spend_time %>%
mutate(year = paste(year, "12","31", sep = "-")) %>%
mutate(year = lubridate::ymd(year)) %>%
group_by(activity) %>%
e_charts(x = year) %>%
e_line(serie = avg_hours) %>%
e_tooltip() %>%
e_title(text = 'Average hours Americans spend per day on each activity') %>%
e_legend(top = 40)
Question: modify slide 82
Create a plot with the spend_time data - assign year to the x-axis - assign avg_hours to the y-axis - assign activity to color ADD points with geom_point ADD geom_mark_ellipse - filter on activity == “leisure/sports” - description is “Americans spend the most time on leisure/sport”
ggplot(spend_time, aes(x = year, y = avg_hours , color = activity)) +
geom_point() +
geom_mark_ellipse(aes(filter = activity == "leisure/sports",
description = "Americans spend on average more time each day on leisure/sports than the other activities"))
Question: tidyquant
Modify the tidyquant example in the video
Retrieve stock price for Amazon, ticker: AMZN, using tq_get
- from 2019-08-01 to 2020-07-28
- assign output to df
df <- tq_get("AMZN", get = "stock.prices",
df = "2019-08-01", df = "2020-07-28" )
Create a plot with the df data
assign date to the x-axis
assign close to the y-axis
ADD a line with with geom_line
ADD geom_mark_ellipse
- filter on a date to mark. Pick a date after looking at the line plot. Include the date in your Rmd code chunk.
- include a description of something that happened on that date from the pandemic timeline. Include the description in your Rmd code chunk
- fill the ellipse yellow
ADD geom_mark_ellipse
- filter on the date that had the minimum close price. Include the date in your Rmd code chunk.
- include a description of something that happened on that date from the pandemic timeline. Include the description in your Rmd code chunk
- color the ellipse red
ADD labs
ggplot(df, aes(x = date, y = close)) +
geom_line() +
geom_mark_ellipse (aes(
filter = date == "2020-11-05",
description = "Over 100,000 new cases within a day."
), fill = "yellow") +
filter = date == "2020-12-02",
description = "record set for the highest number of deaths per day."
), color = "red", ) +
title = "Amazon",
x = NULL,
y = "Closing price per share",
caption = "Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_COVID-19_pandemic_in_the_United_States")
ggsave(filename = "preview.png",
path = here::here("_posts", "2021-04-02-data-visualization"))